Nearby Villages (click on symbol to see the village page) |
Village= | |
Town= | |
Recorded in Domesday= | |
Chelwood Gate |
The Forest entrance and President Kennedy | | 5.14 miles |
Fairwarp |
(Charcoal and the Army) | | 6.61 miles |
Fletching |
(Simon de Montfort and Jack Cade) | | 3.75 miles |
Isfield |
(Simon de Montfort and the Lavender Line) | | 6.45 miles |
Maresfield |
(Soldiers and Iron) | | 6.11 miles |
Newick |
(Killer Cricket and Dirk Bogarde) | | 3.12 miles |
Nutley |
(Edward III and the Post Mill) | | 5.46 miles |
Piltdown |
(The Piltdown Man hoax) | | 4.77 miles |
Sheffield Park |
(Capability Brown and the Bluebell Line) | | 2.87 miles |
Uckfield |
(Traction Engine destroys bridge) | | 6.69 miles |